"Tower of Babel", Mixed media collage by Shoshana Sarah. More about her great work you can find here |
My life is a little babylonian at times. This blog will be the same.
I speak English with my boyfriend, German with my son, my friends and my parents. My boyfriend speaks Luganda (One of the main languages of Uganda) with most of his friends. One of my sisters lives in England, I mostly read English books, watch English movies, read English stuff on the net, still my English is far from perfect and I feel much more comfortable writing in German. Writing my blog in German would make sence but since I read a lot of blogs from the USA I was also hoping to catch some none German readers...
Now, I decided to just write how I feel - wie mir der Schnabel gewachsen ist sozusagen.
I will not always manage to give literal translation to a post be it English or German. I just hope that u will pick up what u like and always feel welcome to ask for extra translation if something catches your attention but you have no clue why...
Wie ihr vielleicht schon gemerkt habt, kann ich mich nicht entscheiden, in welcher Sprache ich bloggen will. Deshalb wird dieser Blog wohl ein wenig babylonisch, mal Englisch, mal Deutsch, vielleicht auch mal was ganz anderes. Wenn ihr eine Übersetzung braucht, dann wendet euch jederzeit an mich!
P.S: "Oli Otya" is Luganda for "How are you" and is used as the common welcome and introduction phrase.