Montag, 18. Juni 2012

Fast forward - Pause

This week has started weird. Like someone pressed the fast forward button right after getting up. The one who pressed that button was a lady from court calling me on jury duty as a lay judge (Schöffe) this morning. An assignment I had applied for years ago when I was still studying social work and a bit into that law thing after having had a hard time with my exams. In Germany you can apply for this voluntary duty (sounds contradictive) but if not enough people apply you can also be called. Anyway, I had not heared back from court for years, until a few month ago when I recieved a letter telling me I was an official  lay judge "(Hilfs)schöffe" now. Then again, no news for month. Until this morning, that phonecall, if I could please be there in half an hour. The court being at the other end of the city. They paid for the cab though. Of course I can't talk about the case itself, but just the procedure itself was exhiting to me. Before the hearing we sat in a small room together with the judge and joked around.
In Germany the judge and the usually two lay judges have the same rights. Unlike in the US the judge also decides on the case, but the two judges can outvote him/her. As a lay judge I also sit right next to the judge in the front, which must have looked funny today because I was dressed very casual in t-shirt and jeans while the judges and the attorneyes were dressed in their robes, the other lay judge was wearing a suit... ooops. Well, noone said anything but maybe next time I will choose a black shirt instead of the orange-purple one to blend in a bit more...
Then I was sworn and the hearing started just to be called off again after a short while because the witnesses didn't show up. There will be another hearing next week.
Have you ever been called on judge duty or worked as a Schöffe? How did you feel about it?

I went to work straight after this and still hadn't had time for breakfast. Thats how the day continued until I got home late in the afternoon.
But someone pressed the pause button just in time for the evening.

It was about time for my very, very favourite summer salad: strawberries, a large handful of basil and mozzarella, seasoned with some sea salt and pepper, olive oil and dark balsamic vinegar.  Boy how that tastes like summer!
Our nights are still spend watching too much football/soccer. Some spinning included - for a project I am very much looking forward to share with you soon...

8 Kommentare:

  1. Uff, das erzählst du alles so gelassen. Das klingt wirklich nach einem "fast forward" Wochenbeginn - und gleichzeitig sehr spannend!

    Dieser Salat sieht fabelhaft aus und auch wenn es bei mir nun morgens um halb acht ist, würde ich denn gleich aufessen, wenn ich nur könnte... ;-)

    1. Echt, klang das gelassen? Das war nicht wirklich! Ich war so aufgeregt, dass ich sogar die Taxifahrerin angesteckt habe, die hat dann die ganze Zeit nur noch "Krass, krass, krass" gesagt :-)

  2. I've been in a pool of jurors 3 times in less than 5 years, went once but everyone was sent home because the defendant plea bargained last minute. The judge was not happy and the man got extra jail time (he had been warned prior). I think I would dislike having to be called in such a short time frame, on the spot like that. I'd feel frazzled. I can just imagine your orange and purple casual t-shirt with all the official-looking outfits. Funny. I think I like the pause button better.

    1. Oh, I tell you, I did feel frazzled, I just didn't know the word yet ;-)

  3. That is funny, wish we had a picture! I have been an *ahem* "expert witness" (Occupational Therapists get to do that, if you are into that kind of thing). The court is a funny place. Have you read Kafka's "The Trial?" Loved it.

    1. Oh, I have read a lot about this "expert witness" business during my social work studies. We had to write many, many expertises but in the job I do I never had to do it for real yet. I wouldn't feel very expert for sure. I think I must have read Kafkas "Trial" years back but I can't recall any of the plot right now, thanks for mentioning it. It should be very interesting to read it now.

  4. Thank you for the salad inspiration - yum!
    Our evenings are football and: knitting. :)

    1. Oh, schön, dass dich der Salat inspiriert hat!
      Ein Deutschland-England Finale, das wäre toll!!
