Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012


Dear 2012,

your last days have come. I let you go with mixed feelings. But before all memories are fading within the soup of the last decades I want to seize the hour and spend it with you, dear 2012.

When I will think about you in ten years time, this is what will come to my mind first thing: 

2012 is when I became pregnant with my little girl. Half of it I spend with a second beating heart next to mine, growing ever so fast. What a special year!

You did really well:

Not to listen to the Maya Calendar

I will be forever grateful for this:

You have been very gentle on this little family of mine. Letting us grow and love and live with joy and happiness all year long. What a gift!

The month of  July really was quite something. Because: thats when I found out I was pregnant.

You really exaggerated with:

Natural disasters in other parts of the world.

That was definatly unnecessary:

All that rain during summer!

I will never forgive you:

Personally, I think, there is nothing much I will hold against you.

I still wanted to let you know:

You have really been a good year to us, I feel very blessed and thankful, dear 2012!

Can you please talk to 2013 about:

Keeping things as sweet as they are. That would be lovely. Thanks!

I am remaining with gratefulness,

yours Gesche

You, dear readers of this blog, are more then welcome to copy the questions of the above letter for your own retrospective of 2012, or to just feel inspired by them, maybe share your answers in the comments, use the letter in your new years celebration with family and friends, change, shorten or extent contents. This is my little gift to you for staying here with me, patiently coming back and letting me know you are still around. You have become very dear to me. Thank you so much for that!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Gesche, was für eine schöne Art des Jahresrückblicks. Was mich betrifft, schaue ich auf ein sehr turbulentes Jahr 2012 zurück, es gab große private Umbrüche, und so freue ich mich auf ein etwas ruhigeres 2013. Ich wünsche Dir fürs Neue Jahr viel Glück und Segen, eine feine Restschwangerschaft und mit Eurem kleinen Mädchen viele wunderbare Stunden! Alles, alles Liebe, Martina :-)

  2. dearest gesche,
    your little girl is on the way, i can't think of anything else. what a year this will be. many many blessings to you and yours. LOVE, lori
