Sonntag, 8. April 2012

Preparing Easter Breakfast

"Fear not, for Christ is risen!"

After some days with grey clouds and rain the sun is shining again today. Its bitterly cold still, but bright and welcoming. A day just made to celebrate Easter it seems.

Celebrating Easter is and has always been all about breakfast for me. Homebaked buns with jam, flowers and, of course, eggs... we dyed ours with natural but bought colors.

So yesterday we prepared what still needed to be done, bake the buns, plant some flowers, dye some eggs and, best of all, make some more butter. I really fell in love with the simplicity of this act, shaking the cream to seperate butter and buttermilk. And Aaron helped me today and seemed to enjoy it too:


This is how it looks like when you have done enough shaking. The seperated buttermilk is very tasty and doen't taste like the one you can buy at all, more like vey creamy milk. I talked to my granddad (who grew up on a farm) on phone while I was making the butter and he remembered how his mother used to make butter the old style in one of these wooded buckets and how much he loved to drink that buttermilk. I wish I had such an old wooded butter maker but then again, you'd probably need too much cream to fill it. 

You then can add any flavour you like. We stired in some raspberry jam for the easter buns. Actually we used a bit too much jam so the butter became a little bit too soft to shape it properly but at least it was easy to spread like that coming straight from the fridge and truely delicious!

We have not started hiding eggs for Aaron yet since it would be impossible to explain to him how to look for something he has not seen before. I love hidding though and impatiently have to wait for next year to get into that with him...
After lunch we will meet with some friends and celebrate the day together, I can't wait...
I would love to hear about your Easter traditions and news. Do you have any special plans for today?

Happy Easter to you!

6 Kommentare:

  1. love your table, it is so pretty and perfectly handmade. my very favorite. aaron is the most adorable helper ever. sigh. i miss when mine were young. no plans here, but i called each of my 'babies' to wish a happy easter.
    have a wonderful day gesche and family!

    p.s. the lambs! xxx

  2. Hallo Gesche,

    dankeschön für deinen lieben Kommentar bei uns im Blog. Oh ja, das Seifesieden solltest du unbedingt versuchen, aber vorsicht vor dem Seifenvirus ... da hat man sich ganz schnell angesteckt und kommt nicht mehr los davon ;o)
    Falls du Fragen zum Seifesieden hast oder ein zuverlässiges Rezept brauchst, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden :o)

    Von dieser Art Butter herzustellen, hat mir letztens auch eine Freundin erzählt. Ich konnte das gar nicht richtig glauben, dass das einfach so mit "ganz normaler" Sahne aus dem Becher funktionieren soll. Oder nimmst du welche aus dem Bioladen die dann nicht ultrahocherhitzt oder pasteurisiert ist?

    Ein paar Seiten weiter hast du deine Fahrradvase gezeigt :o) ich hab das gleiche Modell in blau :D ... die ist doch einfach toll nicht? Meine hängt im Sommer an einem alten Hollandfahrrad.
    Fahrradvasen sind spitze :o)... sollte jeder haben ;o)

    Ich wünsch dir und deiner Familie noch schöne Feiertage.

    Liebe Grüße, Mona

    1. oh, da schreib ich dir gerade mal schnell zurück, das wäre zu schön, wenn du mir da ein Rezept geben könntest! :-) *freu*

  3. What a cutie pie! Bet he had lots of fun helping you shake all that butter! Love your table spread with the candles and food. Happy Easter (albeit late) too! Christ is definitely risen! What a great thing to celebrate.

  4. Aaron looks very proud of himself! What a sweetie.
    I think we must try that butter. I once had a very special kind of butter travelling through the Turkish mountains, and your description reminded me of it. Delicious!
