Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013


When Aaron was a newborn baby someone gave me a cotton kicking bag for him which was open at the feet. I really liked it. Aaron could enjoy his naked feet, feel snuggled up and diaper changes were a quick thing.
For his sister I wanted to knit something simular, but with a hood, for the very first weeks and so I came up with my own first knittig pattern I called Wundertüte. A Wundertüte in Germany is like a surprise bag, filled with candy and small toys.

I want to share the notes with you but I am not sure I wrote them very correctly yet. If you tried the pattern and have any questions or suggestions, please help me to improve the pattern so it will help others too.
Since the baby is only due in March I asked Charly, Aarons doll, to help me out as a model. He is doing a fine job don't you think?

Pattern notes: 

Use any yarn you like that is fine for needle size 5mm/ US 8. I used some handspun goodness my sister gave me, because it was quite thin I knitted it double stranded.

Cast on 82sts, join in round, k1, p1 for 6 rounds, circumference of cuff appr. 22".
In the next round increase sts to 98 sts by kfb every 5 sts (increase 16 sts in total)
Continue in rounds until piece messures 14". 
For collar and hood start working in stockinett rows back and forth (knit one row, purl one row) for another 3".
Decrease row 1: k2, k2tg, continue til end of row, purl row
Decrease row 2: k3, *k2tg, k1, continue from * till las 3 sts, k3. You should have 47 sts in total now.
Continue Stockinett for another 4,5".
Use stitchmarker to mark next purl round: p5, pm, p22, pm, p22, pm, p5.
Next knit row decrease like this: k5, ssk, k until 2sts before marker, k2tg, k3, ssk, knit until 2 sts before marker, k2tg, k5. Purl next row.
Repeat the last two rows until the 22 sts between each marker have decreased to 3 sts. Decrease these 3 sts to one sts by slipping two sts together as if knitting, k1, lift last two slipped sts over that knitted sts. 15 sts remaining in total. Pull yarn through last 15 sts and close top tightly.
Pick up 74 sts around the hood starting and ending at the collar opening. Do not join them in round. K1P1 back and forth for 4 rounds, Cast off loosely.
Pick up two sts for i-cord each side of the collar, Knit i-cord depending on how long you want it to be. I didn't want to use a button so it is really safe for the baby and nothing can be swallowed.
Ravelry link here.

This is a copywritten pattern, please do not sell this pattern, you may sell items knitted from this pattern providing that I, Gesche Ahlers@Kirschenzeit  am credited and linked as the designer.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Etwas wunderschönes Kuscheliges hast Du da gestrickt für Dein kleines Wunder! Alles Liebe, Martina :-)

  2. Was für ein schönes Kuschelsäckchen, genau das richtige für den meistens recht kühlen März und die warmen Farben erinnern schon an die Wärme und Sonne, die da immer wieder das kleine Näschen kitzeln wird :)
    Alles Liebe. maria

  3. Was für ein schönes Strickstück. Ich hoffe von Herzen, dass ich endlich endlich dieses Jahr auch ein paar Babysachen stricken darf (und nicht nur für meine Freundinnen und deren Nachwuchs. Und ich kann mich Maria nur anschließen, die Farben sind wunderschön warm! Alles Liebe, Barbara

  4. so wunderschön!danke für deine mühe! die farben gefallen mir besonders..irgendwie "meine farben";)..und wenn du irgendwann mal ne minute hast, was ist i-cord?? ich dachte immer dass zwei oder 3 maschen abgehoben werden und nicht mitgestrickt werden, bzw erst auf dem "rückweg" abgestrickt werden, ist das richtig??
    lg;) sarah
