Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

Yarn along - and a few elephants

Because two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, I am very happy to join in "Yarn Along" at Ginny's place today.
There is one thing for me though that always goes along with either my needles or my book, and that is a precious cup of tea. So, whenever I "yarn along", I also want to show you my current cup of tea...

I am really wondering how long it will take me to get tired of this pattern. The scarf on my needels is the second large Hitchhiker, and I have made 5 short ones for Aaron so far. I love the fact that I can use the same pattern for any size and just have to stop when I think its good. The yarn I am using for this one is called "Crazy Zauberball" (Zauber = Magic). I also used a Zauberball for the first large Hitchhiker.
The pattern favors me so much, because, once you know it you don't have to concentrate very hard, whereever you stop it is always easy to continue without counting. And interrupting happens a LOT with a very impatient toddler around! The first one I knitted was for a still to come birthday gift and this one now, is for me. I can't wait to wear it.
Yes, I love elephants, but I don't collect them. They just happen to appear whereever I am... The book I am reading, for example, I got because of its title ("The hundred-year old man who stepped out of the window and dissapeared", available in English in July 2012) , not because of the illustration. The cup I chose because of its shape (and, maybe the elephant) and the toy was a present I got from someone who didn't know that I like elephants, But that elephant made a some noice because he wanted to join his buddies on the "yarn along" picture...
The book, a swedish roadmovie, is a lot of fun. Unusual and not very challenging, just what I can manage right know, and, like the knitting, no reading back when interrupted by a toddler...

The tea I had today was Rooibos Chai. I like it best with a drop of milk and some honey but often enough just plain. It is my most popular tea because Rooibos doesn't contain any caffeine and very little tannin so I can drink it any time of the day. I fell in love with this tea during my pregnancy and still drink it almost every day.

10 Kommentare:

  1. I love the hitchhiker pattern, and I love the yarn you're using! In fact, I think hitchhiker is one of the few patterns I would happily knit more than once ;)

    1. How good to hear from someone who also knows and likes this pattern so much :-)

  2. Ich mag es, wenn Sachen zusammen passen (wie auf dem Foto). Ich mag Harmonie und ich liebe Elefanten. Am liebsten in natura und so richtig bewußt auch erst nach meinem vierten Kind. Irgendwie hat mein viertes Töchterlein ganz schön viel verändert. Aber Tee trinke ich immer noch gern und seitdem mein Mann bei uns ist, brühe ich mir auch welchen auf (- anstatt ständig Kaffee zu trinken, um über den Tag zu kommen.)
    Bei mir war es heute morgen Grüner Tee Yasmin - das hilft auch ein wenig über Schlafmangel hinweg.

    enim sou

    1. Also das macht mich jetzt aber neugierig. Wie kommt es, dass du nach der Geburt deiner vierten Tochter entdecktest, dass du Elefanten magst? Spannend, also vor allem, was das mit deiner Tochter zu tun hat :-)
      Mmmh, und grünen Yasmin Tee liebe ich auch, gerade morgens.
      Ich hoffe du hast nicht all zu viel Schlafmangel in diesen Tag! LG Gesche

  3. The hitchhiker pattern is very pretty - I already have it on my Ravelry favorite but haven't made it. Such a nice color yarn. And that book title in English would definitely have caught my eye. What is it about?

  4. hihi, mir geht es mit dem Shalom so..kann gar nicht mehr aufhören, das ist so fantastisch einfach;) die elfanten die sich bei dir sammel (nein ok du sammelst sie nicht!) find ich ja klasse..der stoffelefant erinnert mich stark an den handarbeitsunterricht ind er waldorfschule, bloß dass er grau war und nicht so schön bunt wie deiner:)Rooibos ist auch einer meiner Favoriten;)
    lg JenMuna

  5. Wow, das ist ja eine tolle Wolle! Unglaublich, diese Farben... so tiefgehend und wundervoll... vielleicht probier ich das Tuch auch mal, ich bräuchte dringend so eine Anleitung, die variierbar ist für Tücher/Schals.
    Alles Liebe. maria

  6. i love your knitting and those ellies that find you everywhere! i have the hitchhiker queued also and now i think i'll have to try it.

    i also love rooibos too, after discovering it on a trip to south africa several years ago. i brought home several bags, but now have a source for lovely looseleaf organic chai and regular. i too love the fact that there is never any bitterness to it, and that there are so many healing properties in it. and it tastes (and smells) so good!

    thank you for sharing. (i once rode a train through cologne, but didn't stop, it looked very beautiful!)

  7. @Hurrayic: You will love the hitchiker if you give it a try.
    The book is about a hundred-year old man who escapes from a retirement place, steels a suitcase full of money from a drug deal and meets some funny people and an elephant on his run away.

    @JenMuna: hihi, jaaaa, jetzt wo du es sagst, genauso sahen die Tiere in der Waldorfschule aus! Nur eben einfarbig, ich hab damals übrigens einen Eisbären gemacht, keine Ahnung, was aus dem geworden ist... viele Sachen hab ich noch und freu mich drüber.

    @Maria: Danke! Ja, die Farben haben mich auch fasziniert. Am Knäuel fand ich aber fast noch schöner als verstrickt. Ich hoffe, ich finde was, wozu ich den Schal anziehen kann.

    @Lori ann: Hey, next time you pass by Cologne you have to stop and drink a cup Rooisbos Tea together! And

  8. Und es passt auch alles so gut zusammen, Garn, Elefant, Teetasse... :)
